Kammerman Orthodontics Garden City

There is very little that can compare to the feeling you experience when you have your braces removed. 

For the first time you get to see your new smile without braces. It’s the culmination of a period of perseverance, dedication and commitment. Now your new smile is a reality and you get to enjoy it well into the future.

We have some videos to share with you showing our patients experiencing their brand new smile for the very first time.

She was amazed when her braces were removed

One of our patients was amazed with her brand new smile. She had just had her Damon Ultima braces removed and we just had to catch her reaction...

What do you think of your new smile?

One of our patients tells us what she thinks of her new smile after having her Damon Ultima braces removed. She also tells us what she thinks of Kammerman Orthodontics...

Speechless about new smile

When you have your braces removed it will be the first time you get to see and experience your brand new smile without the braces in place. This patient was left virtually speechless...