Kammerman Orthodontics Garden City

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What are common Orthodontic problems

Crowding is a very common problem that affects a high percentage of patients we see. Crowding can lead to other problems such as crooked teeth, overbite, misaligned teeth and incorrect spacing between teeth. Because of this, it is recommended that children visit an orthodontist whilst they are still young. Problems can then be addressed at […]

I love my new smile

This patient had just finished her treatment with braces. She now has a beautiful smile.

Very happy patient

Beautiful Smile

This patient just had her braces removed in our office. She is very happy with her new smile and will be advising her friends and family to visit Kammerman Orthodontics.

Very happy with his smile

One of our patients just had his braces removed. Lets hear what he has to say about the treatment he has received at Kammerman Orthodontics. He is very happy with his new smile.

Loving my new smile

A patient seeing her brand new smile for the first time after having her Damon Ultima braces removed.

What do you think of your new smile?

One of our patients tells us what she thinks of her new smile after having her Damon Ultima braces removed. She also tells us what she thinks of Kammerman Orthodontics.