Kammerman Orthodontics Garden City

Orthodontics is not just about gaining straight teeth and a brilliant smile, it is also about maintaining, preserving and enhancing your airway. Various orthodontic conditions can lead to restriction of the airway. This can manifest as a range of breathing conditions such as sleep apnea. 

The word “apnea” means a temporary stop in a person’s breathing. Sleep apnea means this happens whilst you are sleeping. There are other types of apnea but sleep apnea is the most common. 

Even though sleep apnea occurs as you sleep, there are some symptoms that you or someone else may notice…

  • Loud Snoring
  • Periods where you stop breathing during your sleep
  • Tiredness (due to not getting enough quality sleep)
  • Morning headaches
  • Dry Mouth (sometimes with bad breath)
  • Sudden waking (sometimes with choking)
  • Frequently waking up to urinate during the night
Most people will experience some of these symptoms from time to time but if you are regularly experiencing these, then you may have an existing airway condition.

Let’s explain some of the symptoms.

Lots of people do naturally snore but loud snoring should not be accepted as normal and may indicate that there is an obstruction along the airway and that air is not able to smoothly travel along the respiratory tract. This same obstruction can cause the air passage to close leading to sleep apnea. Thankfully your body has a defence mechanism for this and it will adjust the muscles along your airway to allow air to flow again. In some cases, it can be more dramatic and you will suddenly wake up feeling as if you are choking. This can be extremely alarming and you should seek professional advice regarding this.

Loud snoring indicates inefficient mouth breathing and this can lead to you having a dry mouth when you wake in the morning. This can also cause bad breath.

Some people who suffer from sleep apnea will also find themselves waking during the night and needing to visit the bathroom. Frequent urination during the night should not be ignored. It is not only a symptom of sleep apnea it could also be a possible symptom of Diabetes.

The reason for an increase in nighttime urination with sleep apnea is due to a combination of factors. When you experience a period of not breathing your heart is forced to work harder. This results in an increase in diuretics in your bloodstream, which results in increased urine production. Normally, when you go to sleep your body produces ani-diuretic hormones to reduce the amount of urine produced by your kidneys. Interrupted or disturbed sleep can affect this natural process.

Headaches in the morning are a common symptom and are a direct result of periods of not breathing. Reduced oxygen saturation and an increase in carbon dioxide levels in the blood are responsible for the headaches. You will often find that a sleep apnea headache will go away quickly when you are active and breathing normally after getting up. Again, this should not be ignored just because it goes away. Frequent morning headaches are a key sleep apnea symptom.

Airway problems effect children.

Whilst many of the symptoms experienced by adults are also present in children there are some notable differences. In adults, nocturnal urination is common. In children, this may present itself as bed wetting. Sleep apnea in children can also affect their attention span, cognitive development, hormone function and prevent them from reaching their full potential.

Various studies provide evidence that a child with orthodontic problems is likely to suffer academically. Children with great orthodontic health sleep better, have much higher levels of self-esteem and improved speech abilities. All of these add up to better academic and developmental performance. It is the early stages in life that build a person. 

Our bodies need fuel. For young kids they must get the right kind of vitamins and nutrients in their diet. It is just as important that they get the right amount of oxygen in order to maximise the benefits of a good diet.

We can help you.

At Kammerman Orthodontics we are able to carry out detailed analysis of your airways and diagnose any potential issues. Even if you are currently only experiencing very minor symptoms, it is always best to have them checked out by a professional. It is much easier to treat airway conditions in their early stages as opposed to allowing the problem to become more severe.

You can give us a call at (516) 742-4110

Or fill out our online form and a member of our team will contact you.